Minutes of
February 13, 2002
Attendance: Linda Hummel-Shea,
Marjorie Hill-Devine, Ron Gagnon, Tom Scully, Tom Cesarz, Camilla Glynn Healey,
Sue Koronowski, Mary Rose Quinn.
Call to order: Tom Cesarz called the meeting to order at 2:10 pm.
Minutes: Minutes of the January meeting were unavailable.
Treasurer’s Report: Tom Scully pointed out that the overall budget is under 50% expended. A motion was made by Camilla Glynn Healey and seconded by Linda Hummel-Shea to accept the Treasurer’s Report. The vote to accept the report was unanimous.
Executive Director’s Report: Ron reported that there was a great showing at the Acquisitions introductory session. Every library but one was represented. There was a brief discussion regarding changes in workflow resulting from implementation of the acquisitions module.
Training is ongoing on the Public Web Browser. The first two sessions were full. A third is planned. NOBLE is planning more consulting sessions with member libraries. Meetings with Bunker Hill and Merrimack have already taken place and are scheduled with Salem State, Reading, and others.
Promotional Activities: Press releases went to the Boston Sunday Globe North Weekly section and the Salem Evening News. Libraries are using the information in newsletters and other publications. The “Value of NOBLE” document sent to libraries with Ron’s report is also available online on the Staff Information System. The information is useful to libraries at budget meetings. NOBLE will have an ad in the Salem Evening News on March 5th. The ads for non-profit organizations are sponsored by local businesses. The NOBLE website is being redesigned to incorporate the style, theme, and logo of the new brochure. Eight libraries will have local inserts designed and printed as part of the new NOBLE brochure to take advantage of group printing discounts.
Collection Assessment: Ron reported that Collection Assessment process has begun again. The new reports are a marked improvement over the old. NOBLE has purchased a new fast HP Laser printer to generate the reports and to act as a backup for the notice printer at a cost of $1,500. NOBLE has filled the part-time paraprofessional cataloger’s position. Ron is working out the issues related to ordering the Innovative imaging software for our MBLC grant.
Strategic Planning Process: The Board discussed the meeting held in January and what next steps we should take to develop the strategic plan. It was decided that we might hold a separate meeting to develop the plan and would discuss the process at the next meeting. All agreed that the plan should be completed by June.
Personnel Committee: It was announced that Deborah Abraham will be forming a Personnel Committee to look at salary scales and ranges and to do some work on job descriptions. Tom Cesarz asked for volunteers from the Board.
Reorganization of Member Services: Ron explained the purpose and benefits of the construction project proposed in the Member Services area. There will be room available for a scanning station as part of the digitization project grant. There was a brief discussion about taking down a wall to enlarge the room. Marjorie Hill-Devine made a motion, seconded by Tom Scully, to appropriate money for furnishings and construction for the Member Services area not to exceed $5,500. the vote to approve was unanimous.
Virtual Catalog Project: Ron updated the Board on the status of the Virtual Catalog Project. The project is funded by the Board of Library Commissioners and run by the Boston Library Consortium. The purpose of the project is to provide a means for patrons to use a single user interface while searching catalogs statewide and to ease ILL procedures. There was a discussion concerning the eventual cost of this project to NOBLE. The State is supporting both the Virtual Catalog and MASSCAT.
Working Groups:
ERWG postponed its meeting. Rescheduled date will be determined shortly. The Brochure is in the “final proof” stage. The deadline for libraries to submit individual inserts is Tuesday, February 26th. the Holds Committee will meet on Thursday, February 28th at 2:00 pm.
Marjorie Hill-Devine made a motion, seconded by Tom Scully to adjourn. The meeting adjourned at 3:50 pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Mary Rose Quinn,