of February 13, 2003
Attendance: Tom
Scully, Doug Rendell, Martha Driscoll, Mary-Rose Quinn, Tom Cesarz, Ron Gagnon,
Anne Tullson, Mary Todd, Marjorie Hill-Devine, Elizabeth Thomsen.
Call to
Order: Tom Cesarz called the meeting to order at 2:05 p.m.
Minutes: Minutes were not available for approval.
Report: Doug Rendell moved to accept the Treasurer's Report. Tom Cesarz seconded the motion. Motion passed.
Mary-Rose will be getting a list of those Representatives
who have not signed onto House bill 1199, the Library Bond Bill. She will share the list so libraries can
contact them.
PC Support Pricing for FY04:
Ron recommended level-funding the PC Support Program for
FY04. The switch from Intel LanDesk to
Remote Administrator and Symantec Antivirus software reduced the annual re-licensing
Tom Cesarz moved that the PC Support Program be level-funded
for FY04. Doug Rendell seconded the
motion. Motion passed.
Last month at Member’s Meeting Dennis Kelley suggested that
NOBLE fund the cost of getting the cover images project going this fiscal
year. Due to the vacant part-time
cataloger position and the savings from the Verizon line item, NOBLE could fund
this project. A survey sent out
indicated that 16 libraries were in
Executive Board Meeting Minutes Page 2
February 13, 2003
favor of adding cover images to the catalog while 7
libraries were not in favor. It was
suggested that the addition of the cover images would dovetail with the catalog
redesign that the Electronic Resources Working Group is doing.
Tom Cesarz moved that NOBLE fund the initial startup costs
of adding cover images to the catalog for the current fiscal year. Mary-Rose Quinn seconded the motion. Motion passed.
The Boston Library Consortium has made progress on the issue
of patron information in the transaction files by voting to discontinue the
archiving of patron information. Dynix
has agreed to install a script that will purge this information.
EBSCO Contract Update
Ron reported that NOBLE’s contract with EBSCO is up on December 31, 2003. He has been working with EBSCO to determine a price for next fiscal year. EBSCO is looking for a 6% increase, but Ron pointed out that NOBLE was given a 6% discount during the last contract negotiations. Ron is working on getting a better price for the next contract.
Two issues regarding fines was brought up:
Discussion was tabled until next month.
The Electronic Resources Working Group has been meeting the
first Monday of each month. They are
working on a redesign of the web catalog.
A survey was sent to each library asking about including websites in the
catalog. Responses are needed by the
end of February.
Meeting adjourned at 3:15 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Ronald A. Gagnon
Executive Director