Minutes of May 7, 2003
Attendance: Anne Tullson, Tom Cesarz, Tom Scully, Deborah
Abraham, Mary Rose Quinn, Doug Rendell, Marjorie Hill-Devine, Linda
Hummel-Shea, Kimberly Lynn, Ron Gagnon.
to Order: Deborah Abraham called the meeting to order at
Minutes: Tom Scully moved to approve the minutes of
the March 12th meeting. Tom Cesarz
seconded the motion. The minutes were
approved unanimously.
Report: Tom Cesarz moved to approve the Treasurer's Report. Kimberly Lynn seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.
NOBLE's Tech Expo will be held on June 12th. Vendors will demonstrate their
products. Information on timing of
programs will be sent out shortly.
The generic NOBLE library cards are almost
ready. Samples will be sent out
NOBLE received e-rate approval for voice and
Internet access.
Office and liability insurance continues to
increase and is 20-25% higher than last year.
NOBLE has worked to control the increases by switching carriers as well
as increasing co-payments.
A part-time clerk, Alison Barry, has given her
notice. NOBLE will be hiring a
Elizabeth Thomsen and Ron Gagnon attended the
Innovative Users Group meeting in San Jose.
Elizabeth led three sessions of "Millennium Create Lists and
Beyond." Ron and Elizabeth
discussed the slowness issue that has been a problem with the Phase 2 release
with the VP of Product Development, the VP of North American Sales, and the
Director of North American Customer Sales.
They were happy to announce a "patch" which was installed on
our system the following week. Some
libraries have noted an improvement while others have not.
The catalog redesign is being delayed until after
school is out since the release of Phase 3 is coming out in June/July and will
involve some setup and functionality improvements. There will also be some downtime when the reindexing of the
keyword index is done.
The unofficial word is that the three Lynn Public
Library branches will be closing as of July 1st. NOBLE will work out details involving the closings.
NOBLE hasn't received official word from Phillips
Andover regarding membership. More
follow-up is required.
The Swampscott, Everett, and Lynn libraries have
received their Gates pcs.
Required Circulation and Virtual Catalog training
session sign-ups are under way.
John Beauregard is retiring from Gordon College.
The Salem bid will be underway shortly.
An Atrion security session is scheduled for May
8th. Twenty people are signed up.
The Board reviewed the proposed three-year
Technology Plan that is required by the MBLC.
The telecom upgrade is one of the most critical issues addressed in the
plan. The group also discussed ADA
requirements and possible grant opportunities.
Ron Gagnon indicated that III did not have any news regarding handicap
accessible workstations and that the issue was one for individual
The draft plan needs to be presented to the
membership at the June meeting and submitted by the July 1st deadline.
Tom Scully moved to submit the plan to the
membership for a vote. Linda
Hummel-Shea seconded the motion. The
board approved.
Group Reports
The Database Quality Working Group is getting
revitalized. Their current focus is on
geography subject headings and inputting death dates for authors.
The Holds Committee is still trying to schedule a
meeting date.
ERWG is working on scoping issues. They are also discussing whether or not to
put cover images in the catalog for every record, and, what size the images
should be.
The Nominating Committee selected Mary Rose Quinn
as Vice-President/President Elect and Kimberly Lynn as Secretary.
The meeting adjourned at 3:45pm.
Respectfully submitted by,
Kimberly Lynn