NOBLE Executive Board
Marblehead Public Library
June 19, 2003
In attendance Deborah Abraham, Ron Gagnon, Mary Rose
Quinn, Tom Scully, Linda Shea, Anne Tullson.
Emergency Meeting of the Executive Board was called to order at 9:55 by
President Deborah Abraham.
The purpose of this meeting was to act upon the
results of recent resignation by Tom
Cesarz as Vice President/President Elect due to his
move to a new position. Mary Rose
Quinn, who was elected Vice President/President Elect
will become President, leaving a
vacancy in the Vice President/President position.
Linda Shea reported on her efforts to recruit a Vice
President/President Elect candidate. Sue Koronowski accepted the nomination.
Mary Rose Quinn moved to recommend Sue Koronowski as
the Vice Presidential candidate. Anne Tullson seconded the motion and it passed
The meeting adjourned at 9:57.
Respectfully submitted,
Deborah Abraham