Minutes of September 8, 2003
Attendance: Doug Rendell, Anne Tullson, Deborah Abraham,
Mary Rose Quinn, Marjorie Hill-Devine, Sue Koronowski, Kimberly Lynn, Ron
to Order: Mary Rose Quinn called the meeting to order at
Minutes: Deborah Abraham moved to approve the minutes
of the June 11th meeting as amended.
Anne Tullson seconded the motion.
The minutes were approved unanimously.
Director's Report
The catalog revision, a very complicated undertaking,
has been fairly successful. Most issues
have been referred to ERWG. Thanks and
praise go to Elizabeth Thomsen and Christine Morgan.
The Cisco
grant proposal was turned down due to the number of applications received.
Phillips Andover staff have been welcomed by and
introduced to NOBLE staff at an orientation held in August.
Cataloger Kelli Bacon submitted her resignation.
The audit is underway.
The Telecom fund request was filed with the
MBLC. Results will be known September
E-rate acceptance forms were filed for voice and
data, but not Internet due to CIPA.
Discussion of the proposed FY2005 budget
ensued. Consideration was made of LSTA
funding, the MBLC, investments, alternate funding sources and opportunities,
and keeping assessments to member libraries as low as possible. Doug Rendell moved that the 3% raises
($6,232) outlined in the proposed budget’s salary line be included in the
FY2005 budget that will be presented to the members. Mr. Rendell further moved that $6,232 be reduced from the
proposed “contribution to capital” line item, changing the figure from $109,400
to $103,168. Deborah Abraham seconded
the motion. All were in favor.
Deborah Abraham moved that the Executive Board
approve the FY2005 budget as amended.
Kimberly Lynn seconded the motion.
The motion passed unanimously.
Marjorie Hill-Devine moved to approve the FY2004
budget as revised. Sue Koronowski
seconded the motion. All were in favor.
Several NOBLE libraries are not going to meet the
MAR this year. Libraries must prove
that they have not taken a disproportionate cut in funding compared to other
municipal departments. Libraries that
sustain cuts of 5% or greater will have a more difficult time securing a
waiver. A discussion of issues
surrounding the decertification of member (as well as non-member) libraries
took place.
The meeting adjourned at 4:40p.m.
Respectfully submitted by,
Kimberly Lynn