Minutes of January 7, 2004
In Attendance:
Doug Rendell, Sue Koronowski, Deborah Abraham, Kimberly Lynn, Tom Scully, Anne
Tullson, Elizabeth Thomsen, Ron Gagnon, Martha Driscoll, and Mary Rose
Call to Order:
Mary Rose Quinn called the meeting to order at 2:10pm.
Minutes: Deborah
Abraham moved to approve the minutes of June 2003, October 2003, and November
2003. Tom Scully seconded the motion
that passed unanimously.
Treasurer’s Report:
Tom Scully reported that NOBLE is in good shape for this time of the year. Doug Rendell moved to approve the
report. Sue Koronowski seconded the
motion that passed unanimously.
Executive Director’s Report:
New member, Phillips
Academy, was brought up on time. The
Executive Board extends many thanks and lots of praise to the NOBLE staff for
accomplishing this conversion while handling all of their other
Four NOBLE employees
took no sick days in 2003 and were awarded bonus days of pay as per the
personnel policy. Six employees took no
sick days in 2002.
Three pcs and two
monitors were ordered under the Big Buy.
Elizabeth Thomsen and
Ron will attend ALA Midwinter.
Elizabeth will also be attending ALA in June.
Elizabeth Thomsen,
Martha Driscoll, and Michelle Morgan will each be presenting at the
International Innovative Users Group meeting in Boston in April. Some sessions of the meeting will be
interesting to NOBLE librarians. Visit
for more information.
NOBLE has been
working with other consortia and developed a list of consortium holds
improvements for Innovative. The list
will be shared at ALA. The networks are
also trying to meet with Innovative when they are in town for the IUG meeting.
(uninterruptible power system) was installed on November 26th
without any downtime to member libraries.
The storm on December
6th and 7th caused a 10-foot snowdrift at the back of the
building. The HVAC condensers out back
were covered and shut down. Flatley’s
crews and the HVAC contractor were able to respond quickly. There was no damage or downtime.
E-rate Form 470 was
filed in December. Form 471 will be
filed after the 28-day waiting period and before the February 4th
The new EBSCO
contract, approved by the Members, started on January 1st and runs
for 42 months. An “Everything EBSCO”
meeting is scheduled to detail the changes that have occurred over the
years. On February 4th EBSCO
representatives will demonstrate EBSCO A to Z.
Executive Board
members revisited their October decision to delay direct patron implementation
that stemmed from the Boston Library Consortium’s decision to pull out of the
project and no longer operate the statewide system. After discussion Tom Scully moved that NOBLE start to allow
patrons to place their holds directly as of February 2, 2004. Kimberly Lynn seconded the motion that
passed unanimously.
Ron Gagnon reviewed the
Telecomm Grant Distribution. The BLC
funded all of the networks “first priorities.”
The amount NOBLE requested was $126,622. The amount funded was $42,400.
Priorities were discussed.
Remaining library routers, a new central router, firewall upgrade and
wireless security devices will be sought in the spring LSTA grant round. Anne Tullson moved to accept Ron Gagnon’s
recommendation. Deborah Abraham
seconded the motion that passed unanimously.
The February meeting
date of the Executive Board will be Wednesday, February 11, 2004.
Discussion ensued
about a replacement for Marjorie Hill-Devine who took early retirement from
Groups are currently
scheduling meetings.
Doug Rendell moved to
adjourn the meeting at 4:15pm. Tom
Scully seconded the motion that passed unanimously.
submitted by,
Kimberly Lynn