NOBLE Executive Board Meeting
October 13, 2004
In Attendance: Mary Rose Quinn, Tom Scully, Linda Hummel-Shea, Deb Abraham, Sue Koronowski, Barbara LaChance, Dennis Kelley, Martha Holden, NOBLE Exec. Director Ron Gagnon NOBLE Member Services Manager Elizabeth Thomsen
Absent: Doug Rendell
Call to Order: Mary Rose Quinn called the meeting to order at 2:05 p.m.
Approval of Minutes: Dennis Kelley presented motion to approve Minutes of September 30, 2004 Executive Board meeting. Linda Hummel-Shea seconded the motion that passed unanimously.
Treasurer’s Report: Tom Scully presented report of expenditures to date as of September 30, 2004. Deb Abraham presented motion to approve Treasurers Report. Martha Holden seconded the motion that passed unanimously.
Executive Director’s Report: Ron Gagnon reported the following
v NOBLE is receiving good press for its role in assisting libraries with CD settlement issues. Story was covered in MBLC Notes and Bay State Librarian.
v Persistent problems with Salem data line are being monitored by Atrion. Verizon replaced some equipment, but this did not alleviate problems. NOBLE will continue to attempt to manage resolution of the issue.
v NOBLE is in the process of contracting with Verizon for Internet upgrade that will double capacity of lines.
v III has invited NOBLE to sponsor regional training for local III customers. Benefits to NOBLE include positive exposure and $500 stipend.
v Ron Gagnon submitted required grant information to MBLC for Telecommunication/Resource Sharing Grant.
v Ron sent follow-up letters to prospective NOBLE members Malden Public Library and MA. School of Law in light of upcoming server upgrade grant.
v NOBLE office cleaner Frank Murray recently retired. Ron will seek suitable replacement and would appreciate referrals.
v Beth Coughlin joined the staff of NOBLE as cataloger. Beth has extensive experience working in NOBLE network.
v Lynn branches will not open on Saturdays as previously announced. The Main Library will be open Saturday hours instead.
v Bob Guimond is close to completing an audit of NOBLE finances.
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Grant Update: Contracts for the 2nd half of the Telecommunication/Resource Sharing Grant funds have been signed by NOBLE and the MBLC. NOBLE is in the process of collecting quotes for central equipment. NOBLE will proceed with an upgrade to a single T-3 line connecting libraries to central site as opposed to expanding to 8 T-1 lines. The T-3 option provides for 400% increase in capacity as opposed to 14% increase for T-1 option at a similar cost.
It will be necessary to transfer funds from capital to general account to pay the balance of $9,948.43 to wrap up first half of grant. To date approximately $16,000 of NOBLE’s share of $26,000 has been paid, Motion to approve transfer of $9,948.43 from capital to general funds forwarded by Tom Scully. Martha Holden seconded the motion that passed unanimously.
Working Group Update: Ron Gagnon distributed list of four existing working groups – Database Quality, Electronic Resources, Holds and Collection Management. Dennis Kelley forwarded a motion to re-authorize these groups. The motion was seconded by Martha Holden and unanimously approved.
Verizon Billing Update: Ron Gagnon has been in contact with legal counsel Rod Hoffman with regard to Verizon’s continued under-billing of NOBLE’s data lines account. Correspondence between NOBLE and Verizon indicate that NOBLE made repeated and unsuccessful attempts in 2000 and 2001 to urge Verizon to correct billing issue. NOBLE’s liability in the worst case is approximately $250,000. Ron will however negotiate with Verizon for consideration of lower rate under-billed balance. Ron reported that NOBLE has the resources to cover any liability as monies were budgeted each year to cover contracted liability. He recommended that settlement come from capital account as we have a built-in reimbursement mechanism in this account and have no large encumbrances on the capital funds. Rod Hoffman advised that Ron send a letter to Verizon urging resolution of this issue once and for all. Tom Scully recommended that Ron include a “drop dead” date so that NOBLE can move forward without the threat of future liability. Ron will compose draft letter to Verizon for Executive Board approval.
Circulation of Items before release date: Sue Koronowski reported that vendors have in recent past been generous in shipping materials to libraries before release date as a courtesy so that materials can be processed and on shelf for the official release date. There is evidence that some member libraries are sometimes putting items on the shelf prior to the allowable release date. Elizabeth Thomsen is willing to work with libraries to discuss workflow issues and Millennium options that might create data in a usable format for libraries to keep track of release dates. Tom Scully presented motion for recommendation of policy statement as follows: NOBLE libraries will honor street date agreements with publishers and vendors and not circulate or display any materials prior to their street date or official retail release date. Items input prior to that date must have a status of “in processing”. Linda Hummel-Shea seconded the
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motion that was approved unanimously. Policy recommendation will go before the members at the November Members Meeting. Tom Scully recommended further that NOBLE consider facilitating a general discussion regarding ethics and copyright as these issues are complicated. Ron Gagnon will include such discussion on Agenda of a Members Meeting as time allows over the next several months.
Members Meeting Planning: At the next Members Meeting on October 21, there will be a budget roll call followed by a presentation of various Millennium software options for members to consider for future purchase. Ron asked for a volunteer to act as a facilitator and another as a data recorder at this meeting in order to present the information to members clearly and in a useful format. Mary Rose Quinn will serve as general moderator of the discussion. Martha Holden will record summary and comments as options are presented. Michele Morgan and Christine Morgan of NOBLE will keep track of technical issues that require further research by NOBLE. Sue Koronowski recommended that Executive Board members contact directors for feedback subsequent to the meeting after the directors have had a chance to present options to and gauge feedback from library staff.
Budget Issues: Mary Rose Quinn asked Ron Gagnon whether the fact that the Lynn branch libraries will not be open presents a liability to NOBLE in terms of loss of revenue. Ron noted that if the branches were to open NOBLE would benefit from additional branch fees, but these fees are not included as revenue in the proposed budget.
As there was no new business, Martha Holden presented a motion to adjourn at 4:00 p.m. Tom Scully seconded the motion that passed unanimously.
Respectfully submitted by,
Martha H. Holden