NOBLE Executive Board meeting
October 12, 2005
Attendance: Dennis
Kelley, Linda Hummel-Shea, Doug Rendell, Sue Koronowski, Martha Holden, Elisabeth Tully and NOBLE Executive Director
Ron Gagnon.
to Order: Sue
Koronowski called the meeting to order at 2:10 p.m.
of Minutes: Minutes
of September meeting are not yet available.
Report: Expenditures
to date are on target for the fiscal year.
Bob Guimond is nearly finished preparing this year’s audit. Some of the expenditure figures will be
reduced as they reflect FY05 expenditures paid at the start of FY06. Motion to approve by Doug Rendell; seconded
by Dennis Kelley, and unanimously approved.
property at Cherry Hill including NOBLE facilities are being sold to National
Development. Pricing and terms of lease
will remain the same. NOBLE
representatives will sign an affidavit representing that there are no
outstanding obligations owed to NOBLE by National Development on behalf of
ordered servers and software for upgrade.
Servers will be installed in January.
After servers are installed and Millennium 2005 upgrade is implemented
and is operating smoothly, the software will gradually be implemented. The Packet Shaper software is in but has not
yet been implemented. The Packet Shaper
will organize traffic and create a separate and prioritized path over the network for Millennium traffic.
is no longer a dealer for Level 3 our current ISP, and our current contract
expires in December. Ron is meeting
with UMASS representatives on Friday and expects to have a proposal from
Verizon as well. Any change will
involve a change in IP addresses, but the internal network will not be affected
so individual PCs in libraries will not have to change numbers.
attended audiobooks presentation in Reading last Friday. Products offered by Overdrive and Recorded
Books both have technical issues involving cataloging and authentication as
well as patron, price and end user device issues. Ron stressed that libraries keep NOBLE informed if they consider
implementation as there are network implications to consider.
Thomsen spoke at LITA in San Jose last week.
She also has speaking engagements at NELA on Monday and at the
Mid-Atlantic IUG on October 21.
is working on MLA Legislative Committee and on Government Relations
Subcommittee, which is considering hiring a lobbyist for libraries. Lobbyist would be funded by new MLA
initiatives. It is recommended that MLA
recruit a former legislator who is a lobbyist as former legislators are allowed
on the floor during legislative sessions.
If hired, the lobbyist would report to the Committee and to the
President of MLA.
MBLC will be finalizing the FY07 budget initiative at their next meeting. The Commissioners are considering requesting
a 75% increase in funding for networks.
The MBLC is developing a three-year plan. The MBLC hopes to increase funding of Line 9506 from $2m to $6m
over the next few years.
audit is nearly complete with no major issues.
NOBLE is awaiting inventory and lawyer sign-off.
recently completed annual circ review sessions with representative from all but
one NOBLE library represented. The
process was moved from spring to fall to better correlate with the school
year. The sessions focus on resolving
resource sharing issues.
will host an Envisionware informational session on October 25. Envisionware offers a PC reservation and
print management product that may be implemented by individual libraries or by
NOBLE as a menu service. The
reservation and print management features are available individually as well.
staff changes include the resignation of copy-cataloger Margot Isabelle who is
moving to Hull and the addition of web editing service as an added cost menu
service by Kevin Grocki of the Salem Public Library. Kevin will be providing this service as a NOBLE employee.
and Michele attended the quarterly Virtual Catalog Users Group meeting last
week at C/W MARS. The current interface
will remain stable for at least a year as the new Dynix URSA system
implementation continues to be delayed.
November meeting schedule will be shifted slightly earlier due to conflict with
MLA’s 21st Century Literacies meeting. The Member’s meeting will be held on Thursday November 10 and the
Executive Board meeting will be held on Wednesday November 2.
Michelle Mann of the MBLC, a Beverly Library supporter, has resigned from the
issues continue to be a concern. A
system-wide check of the in-transit items list showed that many of the items
though to be in transit were in fact on the shelves of NOBLE libraries, though
not necessarily at the appropriate libraries.
NOBLE will continue to facilitate the reporting of missing items for
member libraries.
Chairs of NOBLE working groups will be contacting members shortly to begin
working on their projects for the upcoming year.
Transfer of Funds: Ron requested that the Board
approve the transfer of $15,303 from capital to operating funds to cover the
cost of replacing twelve training room PCs with new PCs and flat screen
monitors. The capital funds for this
purchase were derived from NMRLS facility rental contracts. Ron also requested transfers of $12,932.50
from capital to cover the cost of the final payment of the central site
telecomm upgrade and $3,962.70 for NOBLE’s share of the PacketShaper. A Gates Foundation grant paid for 2/3 of the
PacketShaper and NOBLE’s share was paid from operating funds last year, though
a transfer from capital to cover the expenditure was never made.
Linda Hummel-Shea forwarded a Motion to approve the transfer of $32,198.20 from capital funds to operating funds as outlined above. The Motion was seconded by Dennis Kelley and unanimously approved.
2007-9 Technology Plan: Ron asked for Board approval
or comments regarding the NOBLE 3-year Technology Plan. Upon approval, Ron will send it to Paul
Kissman of the MBLC for final approval.
The Plan includes a provision for new servers toward the end of the
planning period. It also includes a
provision for the next generation of
“smart” security software. The
Plan also calls for the upgrade of NOBLE telephone equipment. Linda Hummel-Shea praised the thoroughness
of the Technology Plan. Dennis Kelley
forwarded a Motion to approve the FY 2007-9 NOBLE Technology Plan. Motion was seconded by Elisabeth Tully and
unanimously approved.
Board members briefly discussed MLA’s and individual libraries’ role in
Hurricane Katrina relief efforts. Board
members expressed a variety of opinions regarding appropriate and meaningful
Holden, Secretary