NOBLE Executive Board meeting
March 8, 2006
to Order: Sue
Koronowski called the meeting to order at 2:20 p.m.
Attendance: Dennis
Kelley, Sue Koronowski,
Elisabeth Tully, Linda Hummel-Shea, Barbara LaChance, Mary Rose Quinn, Martha Holden , Representing
NOBLE- Executive Director Ron Gagnon, Elizabeth Thomsen, Martha Driscoll
of Minutes: A Motion
to approve Minutes of February 8, 2006 Executive Board meeting was forwarded by
Barbara LaChance, seconded by Mary Rose Quinn, and
unanimously approved.
Treasurer’s Report: Mary Rose Quinn distributed the Treasurer’s Report for Executive Board approval. Linda Hummel Shea forwarded a Motion to approve the Treasurer’s Report. Motion was seconded by Barbara LaChance and unanimously approved.
v Ron addressed recent
Internet and power issues affecting NOBLE libraries. In the past month NOBLE implemented two
changes that should help resolve these issues.
First NOBLE purchased a small UPS that should provide roughly three
hours of backup power for our Internet connection in the event of a power
outage. Secondly, Atrion installed a
software patch to restore two-way full duplex traffic flow that had been
degraded to one-way (half duplex) as a result of the power outage.
v Ron and Elizabeth met with presidents of two federated search contenders last week at NOBLE. Sebastian Hammer of Index Data discussed a product that was not feasible due to cost and customization concerns. Todd Miller of Web Feat described the Web Feat product used by BPL. Ron is following up on other references, as the concerns expressed by the BPL – mainly statistical definitions - may not be crucial to NOBLE. Ron was encouraged by this discussion.
v Elizabeth and Christine
v Atrion provided Ron with a
generic wireless implementation quote, that was
presented to seven interested libraries.
Ten public libraries have implemented wireless, and another four will
likely implement it soon.
v Ron attended a security
presentation in Boxborough on February 23.
The session, sponsored by Cisco, focused on forthcoming network security
solutions. Ron included strengthening
network security in the Technology Plan as the target of a future grant
v Ron, Marilyn Graves and Anna
Kjoss attended a meeting at NMRLS last week to
discuss ILL. The result was a
fine-tuning of the materials that would or would not be borrowed through NMRLS-contracted
centers. NOBLE will host an
v NOBLE hosted two managers
from LION (Libraries Online) of
v Working Groups ERDWG and
RSWG recently met, as did the public and academic circulation roundtables. Reference roundtable will be held tomorrow.
v Elizabeth and Ron attended
the Legislative Breakfast in
v NOBLE recently ordered 3 new
PCs based on the formula NOBLE recommends for libraries - 20% replacement/yr.
v The specs for the latest
Windows version –
Ron briefly discussed staff health insurance and recommended a change to Tufts Value Plan. Tufts recently raised rates for its Premium Plan, the only plan offered by NOBLE. HMO Blue Value rates are slightly lower. Ron distributed a chart illustrating the difference in coverage among several plans. Ron discussed the plans with staff members, who were in favor of staying with Tufts, but opting for the Value Plan. Dennis Kelley forwarded a Motion to authorize a switch to the Tufts Value Plan. Motion was seconded by Barbara LaChance and unanimously approved.
Policy: Ron identified three major issues for
discussion with regard to the proposed confidentiality policy. They are as follows:
ü Libraries need to recognize
that this is NOBLE policy as opposed to individual library policy.
ü The Executive Board removed
the exception for occasions when public safety is at stake. However, we need to clarify attorney
notification policy and procedure.
ü It is OK to ban he use of NOBLE customer information for p.r.
purposes, however state law allows for such use. If the Executive Board chooses to adopt this
standard, it would be a higher standard than set by state law.
Board discussed the presentation of “warrant” vs. “subpoena” and the fact that
a warrant calls for immediate delivery of information or material without
delay. A subpoena on the other hand, is
a request for information or material by a specified date. The Board also discussed several topics
related to confidentiality including e-mail and street address information, and
the use of information beyond hold and overdue materials. Ron will craft sentences that allow for some
local decision making options.
a brief discussion, Linda Hummel-Shea forwarded a
Motion to approve the NOBLE Confidentiality Policy with minor changes that Ron
will make to the document. The Motion
was seconded by Dennis Kelley and unanimously approved.
Policy: Ron distributed copies of
the Web version and the print version of the Privacy Policy drafts for
review. The Web version is a statement
of policy to be used in conjunction with the NOBLE Website. The print version can be handed out at
circulation desks of those libraries without a separate privacy policy.
a brief discussion about revisions, Linda Hummel-Shea
forwarded a Motion to approve the NOBLE Privacy Policy with minor changes that
Ron will make to the document. The
Motion was seconded by Dennis Kelley and unanimously approved.
Repositories and Service: Ron explained that digital repositories and services should be part of
the range of services NOBLE offers.
Currently some images are in the catalog and others are on local
websites. Ron noted the cost of storage
and servers and that NOBLE is participating in the Statewide
digital initiative –
5:00 p.m.
Holden, Secretary