NOBLE Executive Board Meeting
February 7, 2007
Attendance:, , Linda Hummel-Shea, Elisabeth Tully, Doug Rendell,
Karen Pangallo, Mary Rose Quinn and Martha Holden , NOBLE- Executive Director Ron
Call to Order: Vice-President Linda Hummel Shea called the
meeting to order at 2:25 p.m.
Approval of Minutes: A Motion to approve Minutes of the January 10, 2007 Executive
Board meeting was forwarded by Karen Pangallo,
seconded by Elisabeth Tully, and unanimously approved.
III. Treasurer’s Report: Mary Rose Quinn distributed the Treasurer’s Report. NOBLE’s operating budget is in good shape
year-to-date. Overall 50% of operating
funds have been expended seven months through the fiscal year, with no
anticipated problems.
IV. Executive
Director’s Report:
Danversbank Grant NOBLE received the first installment of the Danversbank grant to purchase the new digital library
server. Server has not yet been ordered
but as soon as NOBLE receives appropriate quote from Dell, Ron will go ahead
and place the order.
March 6, NOBLE will host a meeting to discuss options for grant funding for the
digital library project. At that time
libraries should be prepared to describe their collections that they would like
to include in the project.
Gagnon and CW-MARS Executive Director Joan Kuklinski
met with III representatives to discuss consortium issues. No issues were resolved at this meeting.
Sorting: A contingent of representatives from
Catalog: Ron attended the URSA users group meeting in
EBSCO: Ron has
recently begun contract renewal discussion with representatives from
EBSCO. Next Tuesday Jeff Klapes will discuss with ERDWG, EBSCO and federated search
issues. Ron hopes to use ERDWG as a
focus group to gather input to be used in proposal negotiations with EBSCO. Ron would like the focus group to help
determine the most appropriate product content for NOBLE users. Linda Hummel-Shea
requested that the group keep redundancy issues in mind so that we can get more
unique titles in the product. All who
are interested are invited to participate in the discussion next Tuesday.
Cards: As Chase has discontinued individual business
accounts, NOBLE’s credit card has been discontinued. NOBLE would have to apply again for a new
card as there is no rollover option. Ron
spoke with Bob Guimond about alternatives. Bob recommended against a debit card because NOBLE
would lose a layer of internal review and it would cause more posting for NOBLE
office staff. The only viable
alternative for the present is personal reimbursement, although Paula Acquaviva
is exploring options with American Express and other vendors.
Copier: Ron is working out problems with the ordering
of the new office copier. Paperwork
reflected mistakes in pricing that Ron hopes to resolve shortly. The machine has not arrived yet. Price should be $4,200, which is less than the
budgeted amount, and will include a two-year maintenance agreement. The copier will be networked with staff PCs,
and has stapling, 2-sided copying and scanning features.
E-rate. Ron filed Form 471 last week. Form 471 confirms voice and data pricing and
contracts. NOBLE is eligible for a 47%
discount rather than the 48% we had anticipated. The reduction in discount is due to a change
Consideration of Appointment of Asst. Treasurer: Ron discussed
the advisability of appointing an Assistant Treasurer who would serve on the
NOBLE Executive Board and would be authorized to perform the duties of
Treasurer if the Treasurer is unavailable for any reason. The Assistant Treasurer position
description was approved by the NOBLE Board on July 20, 2005, although the
position was not filled. Mary Rose
Quinn forwarded a Motion to Appoint Doug Rendell Assistant Treasurer. The Motion was seconded by Elisabeth Tully
and unanimously approved.
VI. Resource
Sharing Policy Revision: The Resource Sharing Working Group met last Monday to
discuss “claims returned” items. The
group issued following recommendation :
Only the library that owns the item can
change its status to “claims returned”. Libraries
who are informed by customers than another library’s item was returned should
follow the procedure outlined on the Staff Information System for “claims
returned” items.
distributed the policy and the related procedures. Mary Rose Quinn forwarded a Motion to Approve
the Resource Sharing Policy Revision regarding “Claims Returned”. Doug Rendell seconded the Motion that passed
VII. NMRLS Delivery Committee Update: The Committee
met last Tuesday to discuss delivery issues.
Route 4 that includes (among
other towns)
VIII. June Meeting Change: Because
of the ALA Meeting in D.C. in June, the schedule of meetings will be moved
forward. The Executive Board will meet
at NOBLE on Wednesday June 6 at 2:00 p.m.
The Members meeting will be held on Thursday June 14 at
IX. Strategic
Planning: The Executive Board agreed that because
several members were not present at this meeting and the Board would like to
discuss strategic planning as a stand-alone meeting topic, the strategic
planning discussion scheduled for today would be better postponed for a later
date. It was agreed that the Executive
Board will meet at 1:00 on March 14, prior to the regularly scheduled Executive
Board meeting to discuss strategic planning.
Individual Executive Board members discussed topics to be considered in
the subsequent strategic planning meeting.
Elizabeth Tully noted that NOBLE will have to consider whether the
Millennium product will continue to evolve to meet NOBLE libraries’ changing
needs. Doug Rendell suggested that the
discussion involve consideration of NOBLE core services and the need to balance
core services with appropriate staffing levels.
Martha Holden brought up the need for a discussion of 3rd
party vendors and authentication issues with regard to the integrity of the
NOBLE database.
Respectfully submitted:
Martha Holden, Secretary