Executive Board Meeting
18, 2007
NOBLE Executive
Director Ron Gagnon, Linda Hummel-Shea, Martha Holden, Doug Rendell, Karen
Pangallo, Lorraine Jackson, Barbara LaChance, Pat Cirone, Elisabeth Tully,
Dennis Kelley
The regular meeting of the NOBLE Executive Board was
called to order at 2:10 on September 18, 2007 at NOBLE by President Linda
A motion to approve Minutes of the August 8, 2007
Executive Board meeting was forwarded by Martha Holden, seconded by Doug
Rendell, and unanimously approved.
As of 2006, NOBLE had no policy for cost of living increases in the
salary schedule. In October 2006, salary schedule was revised to a 6 step
schedule with 4% increase and include cost of living adjustments. As the salary
adjustment is to be done yearly, it is time to adjust for FY08. Consumer price
index from BLS for July 2006 to July 2007 is 0.8%. The proposed revisions to the NOBLE FY08
budget reflects .8 % increase. Linda asked if the Executive Board change the
steps once before. Ron—Yes, we changed to the 6 step salary schedule with 4%
increase with the COA to be determined each year. The technical assistant position has reached
a plateau. Elisabeth Tully had concerns with CPI not reflecting housing; does
it compensate people fairly. Ron agreed
that we could review the standard.
Martha Holden moved to propose accepting the revised FY08 salary
schedule with .8 % COLA adjustment; Elisabeth seconded; unanimously approved.
IV. FY2009 Budget and FY2008
Ron went through the
FY08 budget and noted a few items that would impact adjustments to library
assessments. Utilities was a surplus item (8500) primarily because the AC units
were replaced. The biggest change was the end of federated searching which had $48,000
dollars allocated but in the Spring it was voted to discontinue the
program. Ron proposed using money
$48,000 for digital and cataloging position. This position would fulfill long
range plan where it was noted the need for new technology and new services in
digitization. Ron also noted that the surplus funds were carried over (ie.,Verizon
surplus) into this budget. Other line
items that were noted were a pilot project on authority control and records
enhancement as well as the
recommended a 1% increase per library—just under $400 for average library. This would
give $10,800 to NOBLE.
Ron discussed some potential
future costs: Encore (III) or some other
Library 2.0 front end catalog. Ron described a front end catalog and its
benefits—catalog, database search, links to circ system, relevancy ranking,
reviews, most widely owned titles—makes the catalog more like a web tool or
like Amazon and can give a more relational display of a subject area. This will
change look of catalog completely for patron. There are maintenance and linkage
costs which could add a 5 to 6 percent increase in operational budget. With
open source, NOBLE will not committed to one vendor however if we buy Encore
software and server there is still a need to link to EBSCO—subscription,
maintenance, and server & software. The
question was asked if other
Barbara asked what
would happen if we didn’t add the 1%? Ron noted that level funded budgets have
been done in past but this budget won’t always have a surplus in the capital
account. Ron warned that we could be boxing ourselves in for anything new, or
lack of a surplus, and or less MBLC money. Linda asked where would 1% increase
go? Ron advises that it be put into capital fund and let it rollover for
unforeseen circumstances or for projects.
Doug asked what is the goal of capital account money that there seems to
be no target. Ron is concerned that the LSTA may shrink in the future and our
goal with the capital account is to insulate us from LSTA and MBLC issues. Doug asked if we got a new system with grant
money from MBLC, what is the percentage that we need to supply? Doug seems to
remember it as being about 30%. Ron noted that Boston Public once looked at new
system and MBLC was critical of changing systems when system wasn’t broken.
MBLC gave 75% to replace NOBLE ‘s last server.
Doug recommended growing capital account slowly and steadily, rather
than a quick increase.
Linda was concerned
that there is a chance of
Lachance motioned for a 1% increase in each library assessment for FY2009. Seconded
by Doug and unanimously approved.
moved to accept the revisions to the FY2008 budget; seconded by Pat Cirone; unanimously approved.
Bluesocket charges
($1100), for libraries using the NOBLE supplied Bluesocket, will be adequate for
the next fiscal year. Dennis asked if any
library had to have any maintenance service for Bluesocket? Ron thought that
PC Support—Ron recommended a 5% (or $5/computer) increase
for those libraries using the NOBLE provided PC Support. The increase is
because personnel costs jumped because of new part-time position. The increase
allows for
EBSCO fees for FY09—In May, all NOBLE libraries voted to
renew the EBSCO contract which projects a 5% increase over each year for the
next 3 years. For FY2009 this amounts to $4,040. Minutes will show that EBSCO
costs will be $4,040 per library for the base cost in FY09.
Doug would like to see something outlined with all of the
costs to review just before his budget season happens and suggests letting each
library know that this information is available if you need this for your
budget. Ron will compile.
Motion to adjourn the meeting was
forwarded by Lorraine Jackson, seconded by Martha
Holden, and unanimously approved.
Meeting was
adjourned at 3:50 p.m.
Minutes respectfully submitted by:
Karen Pangallo, Secretary