NOBLE Executive Board Budget Meeting
Minutes of October 11, 2000
Present: Deborah Abraham, Thomas Scully, Pat Cloherty, Dennis Kelley, Alyce Deveau, Camilla Glynn, Ron Gagnon, Mary Rose Quinn
The meeting was called to order by Deborah Abraham. The minutes of the September 7, 2000 NOBLE Executive Board Budget Meeting were approved.
Treasurer’s Report: Tom Scully updated the Board on budget expenditures to date.
Executive Director’s Report: Ron discussed the formation of the Database Quality Task Force. He noted that the Brochure Committee had met one in Melrose and commented on its progress.
Ron announced the resignation of PC Support Specialist, Dean Baumeister. Job postings had been sent out. Dean’s last day would be October 20, 2000. Tom asked about service to libraries in the interim. Martha and Michelle would step in and assist libraries with their technology needs until a new person is in place. Ron hoped that the hiring process would not take too long.
The audit is nearing completion. The HVAC project is almost finished. The data line project is moving forward slowly. III trainer will be at Central Site for two days the week of October 16. One of the issues the trainer will address is the freezing issue. There was some discussion among the Board about the intermittent PC freezing which continues at libraries.
ERWG Update: Camilla reviewed the work of the ERWG. At their last meeting, the group discussed Net Library. They also voted unanimously to recommend downloading marc records for full text journal titles. Camilla made a motion to accept the ERWG recommendation, "that Marc records for full-text EBSCO journal titles be added to the NOBLE database as soon as practical. Details of record construction and display will be resolved by NOBLE staff in consultation with the Electronic Resources Working Group if required. The motion was seconded by Dennis. The motion carried unanimously. The next meeting of the ERWG will be the first week in December. There was a brief discussion of general material designations and the display of material types in the online catalog. There was a preliminary discussion of the EBSCO contract.
Budget Update: Ron updated the Board on the budget changes due to libraries adding/subtracting staff users. Lynnfield requested a decrease in staff users (1) while Lynn added 3 staff users. These changes resulted in a decrease in assessments to member libraries.
EBSCO/Gale Periodical Databases: Ron made a presentation to the Board comparing and contrasting the EBSCO and Gale database products. Tom made a motion to recommend to Membership that we renew our contract with EBSCO for up to 5 years. Pat seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. Tom made a motion that, beginning with the 2003 budget, the subscription to the periodical databases would be included as a general line item in the NOBLE budget. Alyce seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.
Executive Board Meeting Page 2
October 11, 2000
The meeting adjourned at 4:30 pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Mary Rose Quinn, Secretary