Noble Executive Board Meeting
April 14, 1999
Present: John Beauregard. Thomas Cesarz, Marjorie Hill-Devine, Doug Rendell. Ron Gagnon and Dennis Kelley.
1, Call To Order - Doug Rendell called the meeting to order at 2:00 P.M.
2. Approval of Minutes John Beauregard moved acceptance of the minutes for the meeting held March 10, 1999: Marjorie Hill-Devine seconded; the motion was adopted.
3, Treasurer's Report - Tom Cesarz reported the NOBLE budget is on track, Marjorie Hill-Devine moved acceptance of the report: Dennis Kelley seconded; the motion was adopted.
4. Technology Plan - Ron Gagnon reviewed the FY 2000 - FY 2002 Technology Plan which is required for e-rate qualification (e-rate application has been submitted). Issues highlighted in the Technology Plan include: a.) need for a firewall in conjunction with the reconfiguration of NOBLE's internal network: b.) Umass is scheduled to become the network's new internet provider at a cost savings over UUNet the current provider: c.) need to change the unique numbers assigned to each computer in the network: d.) need for more powerful routers (funding may come from e-rate). Ron also indicated that several dates noted in the plan have been revised. Tom Cesarz moved acceptance of the Technology Plan: Dennis Kelley seconded: the motion was adopted.
5. Personnel Update - Ron announced that Marilyn Graves, formerly Reference Librarian at Bradford College, has been appointed Interlibrary Loan Librarian and will start work soon. Tara Mansfield who most recently worked at the University of New Hampshire Library will fill the part-time Bibliographic Clerk position.
6 Grant Update - a response to the grant application is expected at any time.
7. Nominating Committee - Dennis Kelley, Nominating Committee Chair. announced that Deb Abraham accepted the nomination of Vice President/President Elect and Sue Koronowski accepted the nomination of Clerk.
8. Adjournment - the meeting adjourned at approximately 3:15 P.M.
Respectfully submitted,
Dennis J. Kelley
Secretary Pro Tem