MINUTES: June 9, 1999
Present: John Beauregard, Camilla Glynn, Dee Hanley, Marjorie Hill-Devine, Dennis Kelley, Doug Rendell, Bonnie Strong and Executive Director Ron Gagnon. Also present were Elizabeth Thomsen, Martha Driscoll from NOBLE and Leslie Inglis from Salem State College.
1. CALL TO ORDER—President Doug Rendell called the meeting to order at 2:15 pm.
2. APPROVAL OF MINUTES—Camilla Glynn moved that the minutes for May 19 be approved. Dee Hanley seconded and the motion passed unanimously.
3. TREASURER’S REPORT—Ron gave the report, which was moved for acceptance by Camilla Glynn. Dee Hanley seconded and the motion passed unanimously.
4. EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR’S REPORT—Ron reported that NOBLE was expecting about 200 people at the III meeting at Gordon College. WE are hoping for an early December installation. The Geac system could check books out in January if necessary but it is not really Y2K compliant. The contract with them goes through December 31 because Geac won't guarantee their system past then as we have it configured.
Data Comm Systems will be out to each library in July and August to upgrade the routers so that they are fully Y2K compliant.
5. PATRON POLICY WORKING GROUP REPORT—The Patron Policy Working Group met to consider the question of borrowing rules during interlibrary loans. The key question was whether the owning or the loaning library’s rules control the circulation parameters when an item is loaned to another library for circulation to a patron. III’s programming is done to support the owning library’s rules but they would be willing to change it once, at the beginning, for NOBLE if that’s what NOBLE wanted. The Group reluctantly felt that they should follow the way III is set up, although felt that it would be better public service to their patrons to have the item follow the loaning library’s rules. After the meeting, both Martha and Elizabeth independently figured out a systematic workaround which could be used to allow the loaning library’s rules to take precedence if that’s what NOBLE preferred. The question came to the Executive Board for recommendation to membership.
There was lengthy discussion as people had had experiences with both kinds of situations. Elizabeth stressed the importance of good communication between directors who make the final policy decisions and circulation staffs who are charged with carrying them out.
Bonnie Strong moved that NOBLE’s policy regarding interlibrary loans between libraries be that the owning library’s rules govern in all circulation transactions, as recommended by ALA’s Interlibrary Loan Code. This will be effective with the implementation of the new system. Camilla Glynn seconded the motion, which passed unanimously.
6. E-MAIL POLICY REVISION—Ron recommended revising the NOBLE Personal Accounts Policy to delete paragraph six dealing with Lynx. Camilla Glynn so moved, Dee Hanley seconded and the motion passed unanimously.
The meeting was adjourned at 3:40 pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Bonnie J. Strong, Secretary