September 8, 1999
Present: Marjorie Hill-Devine, Camilla Glynn Healey, Ron Gagnon, Alyce Deveau, Dee Brennan, Dennis Kelley, Pat Cloherty, Deborah Abraham, Tom Cesarz.
The meeting was called to order at 2:00, by Marjorie.
Minutes of June 9,1999 were approved.
Treasurer’s Report-postponed.
Executive Directors Report
The first data has been sent to III for conversion. III will be on site Columbus Day week to install the training system, NOBLE staff will then have the opportunity to evaluate converted data and parameters. Each Library will have two logins to the training system available at all times. NOBLE staff will be visiting CWMARS tomorrow to learn more about their III implementation.
Ron attended the MBLC telecom & virtual catalog funding meeting on August 26. All telecom costs should be covered by either e-rate or the MBLC; virtual catalog funding may be down slightly, due to increased demands statewide. Pat questioned the status of E-rate legislation requiring filters to be eligible for reimbursement.
Marjorie complimented NOBLE staff for the lack of system downtime
Personnel Committee has recommended to Executive Board salary adjustments for the Technical, Database & Administrative Assistant positions. The proposed adjustments would be to increase to the entire salary range for these positions. The present range is $25,000-$33,505, and the proposed range would be $28,000-$37,523. Each person filling one of these positions would stay at their present step. The reevaluation of the salary ranges was prompted by the thought that NOBLE salaries were out of line in comparison to similar regional and network positions. Ron also explained that the responsibilities required within the positions have increased.
A discussion followed on the duties and responsibilities for each individual position. It appeared to the Executive Board that the positions had developed into ones requiring different levels of expertise and the salary ranges should reflect this. The Board agreed that range for all positions should be increased.
Camilla moved, that step 3 of Technical Assistant become step1, that step 2 of the Administrative Assistant become step 1, and that the proposed range for the Database Assistant be accepted as proposed and to retain seven steps for each position with a 5% increase at each step. Tom seconded, the vote was unanimous.
Pat moved that the Personnel Committee continue to investigate the salary range of the Executive Director, Member Services Manager and the Systems Manager. Camilla seconded. The motion was amended to ask the committee to consider ten steps. The vote was unanimous.
Treasurer’s report presented and accepted.
Budget Review
Ron presented a review of the FY 01 budget, with notable items being:
Budget includes continuation of the PC Support Specialist position with funding ½ by NOBLE and ½ by participating libraries. NOBLE portion would provide more involvement in localtech group, system security issues, but non-direct participants would not have on-site access.
Motion to implement, Tom, seconded by Camilla, unanimous.
Ron was requested to further clarify the duties of the position.
An increase in the Administrative Assistant position by 2 hours a week
Office & Administration reflects a steady, slight increase where past trends indicate the need.
Occupancy Costs reflect new lease and a slight increase in utilities.
The budget as prepared remains within the targeted CPI (2.7%) +2 formula.
The Cost Allocation Committee is investigating an equitable solution to determine per Library costs as we move away from the "per port" formula.
The meeting was adjourned at 4:45.
Respectfully Submitted,
Sue Koronowski