NOBLE Executive Board Minutes
November 10, 1999
Present: Doug Rendell, Elizabeth Thomsen, Ron Gagnon, Tom Cesarz, Marjorie Hill-Devine, Bonnie Strong, Pat Cloherty, Dennis Kelley, Sue Koronowski, Alice Deveau, Camilla Glynn.
The meeting was called to Marjorie Hill-Devine at 2:00
The Treasurer’s report was presented and accepted.
Managers Report
Slowness of system as noted last month may be due to the installation of the firewall or expanded line capacity, lines being monitored by Data Comm.
Doug Rendell described a problem with items not being checked in, appearing on shelf, and showing overdue. The new circulation scanners are not beeping, since PC’s were installed. Other libraries reported the same problems.
Ron announced that the first training session for the new system was held this morning. The basic software load was distributed and all seems to be going well.
We have received notification that the NOBLE E-rate request has been approved
Ron shared a letter from our attorney, Rod Hoffman, received in response to a letter from Ron dated November 1. Hoffman’s firm, Deutsch Williams, has recently taken on The Flatley Company, NOBLE’s landlord, as a client. This prevented Hoffman from negotiating lease renewal language directly with Flatley representatives as he did in our initial lease in 1994. Additionally there was a serious delay in response to NOBLE’s request to handle the lease details without explanation. In a telephone conversation, Hoffman explained that the delay in his response was due to the death of an attorney in the group, not having Flatley as a client. Hoffman’s letter dated November 3 confirms that Deutsch Williams has been retained by Flatley and seeks to assure us that our needs will not be compromised in any way. If there were a dispute between NOBLE and Flatley, Deutsch Williams would not represent either party, and any information we have provided to the firm is subject to attorney-client privilege and would not be divulged without consent. Hoffman pointed out that his firm could potentially mediate any dispute if desired by both parties. Rod has been very attentive in the past; consensus of the board was to retain present counsel.
Database Quality Policy
Ron re-introduced the revision of the Database Quality Policy. Elizabeth provided additional information about the changes. The policy contains basic information to insure that patron and bibliographic information entered consistently and accurately into the database. This revision is seen as the first step in a process to develop a document that will ensure a quality database. The goal is to develop a manual that will eventually be approved as policy. Pat Cloherty voiced concern about member driven groups making decisions when policy, financial and administrative issues are involved.
Ton Cesarz moved the acceptance of database quality policy revision, Camilla Glynn Healey seconded, the motion passed.
Annual Audit
Ron reported that the annual audit has been completed. It has been recommended that capital funds be kept in a separate account, presently they are only segregated in house on paper. Ron provided a detailed summary of fund and asked the board to review it for discussion next month. Pat Cloherty asked if NOBLE has a contract with accountant for annual services, Ron replied that there is no long-term arrangement.
Pat Cloherty moved to accept audit, Dennis Kelley seconded, the motion passed.
Patron Catalog Services
There was a discussion of when patron self services would be implemented. Elizabeth explained that there were some issues to resolve concerning patrons placing their own holds. Patrons checking their record and renewing items will be easier to implement and will be done as soon as possible. There was a discussion on the logistics of distributing PIN numbers. A target date of February was set to implement, if possible.
The December schedule/calendar from the Staff Information Center was distributed.
There was a discussion on the advisability of using receipt printers at the circulation desk on Day One and about what information in what format would appear on patron receipts.
Deborah Abraham moved to adjourn, Camilla Glynn seconded.
The meeting was adjourned at 4:40
Respectfully submitted,
Sue Koronowski,