NOBLE Executive Board Meeting
December 8, 1999
Present: Ron Gagnon, Alyce Deveau, Tom Cesarz, Marjorie Hill-Devine, Doug Rendell, Deborah Abraham, Pat Cloherty, Camilla Glynn Healey, Dee Brennan, Sue Koronowski, Dennis Kelley, Martha Driscoll.
The meeting was called to order by Marjorie Hill-Devine at 2:00.
Exec Director Report
Ron announced the training room would be upgraded on Monday.
Ron and Martha have met with Digital Broadband Communication, the company that has just been awarded the contract for the Massachusetts Community Network. Digital Broadband utilizes DSL lines, which get more bandwidth cheaper. Data Comm has also spoken with them. After speaking with MBLC, Ron recommended that we stay with our present provider for this year.
NOBLE is investigating new phone system. The present system utilizes the phones that were in place when NOBLE moved into the building and can not be replaced.
The rear HVAC system has failed and Ron is getting a quote on replacing it. Under the terms of our lease we are responsible for the unit.
Dean is working with affected libraries to resolve barcode problems.
System Upgrade
The upgrade is progressing ahead of schedule; data has been converted from both the public and academic systems. There may be the opportunity to bring the new system up earlier than scheduled. Ron wondered what the reaction of members would be to this possibility. All agreed that if can be done there is no reason to delay till the 20th. NOBLE staff still has work to do and will keep us informed.
NOBLE is coming up on a stable, proven, reliable release and we will upgrade to the new release in the spring. As a consortia we have a complex set of parameters and III strongly recommended that we come up on a proven release to minimize potential problems. Catalog training was held at NOBLE yesterday.
Ron related the saga of the note found recently during the exterior work in Danvers. The note is supposedly from George Peabody and implies financial rewards, stay tuned.
The December Member’s meeting will be held at Salem Country Club, with lunch to follow. Directions and details are forthcoming.
Catalog Working Group
This group met last week to discuss a number of issues. Utilizing an existing field in a record to designate unusual, temporary locations (new, display) is being considered. We will be experimenting with the uses of this field. Dennis Kelley asked about scoping levels.
Eventually there will be a link in the catalog at the Library location that can be clicked on to get information about the Library (address, phone).
Patron Policy Working Group
There was a discussion of the Patron Policy Working Group report which has recommended issuing both public and college cards to users.
There are a few reasons that indicate the necessity of having two cards, including; what happens to college students who have only a college card when they graduate, public libraries need statistical information on reciprocal borrowing for state aid, there are different levels of database privileges associated with different cards.
Discussion included; linking public and college cards, giving a NOBLE card vs. entering an out of system card, patron records and holds issues.
Alyce Deveau moved to adopt the recommendation in principal, Pat Cloherty seconded, the motion passed with one opposition.
There was a spirited ILL policy discussion, and the conclusion was reached that Marjorie would appoint a committee to discuss the issue.
There was a discussion on how the closing of Bradford College will affect the FY 2001 budget.
Pat Cloherty moved that in light of the uncertainty of the Bradford College closing, Executive Board recommends that the voted budget & assessment for FY 01 will stand and the potential loss of income will be made up from capital fund if necessary. Tom Cesarz seconded, the vote was unanimous.
There was a brief discussion of NOBLE ILL Center.
Deborah Abraham moved that the meeting be adjourned, Alyce seconded.
The meeting was adjourned at 4:30.
Respectfully submitted,
Sue Koronowski,