Present: Marjorie Hill-Devine, Deborah Abraham, Thomas Cesarz, Sue Koronowski, Pat Cloherty, Ron Gagnon, Alyce Deveau, Doug Rendell, Dee Brennan.
Meeting was called to order at 2:00, with welcome by Marjorie Hill-Devine
Approval of minutes was postponed till next meeting
Treasurer’s Report-
There is a FY99 bottom line surplus of $56, 649 that will be transferred to the Capital account. As of July 31 expenditures are running about 6% under the monthly target.
Executive Directors Report
The Mass Board of Library Commissioners approved $713,464 in grant funding for the III Millennium Project, slightly over the expected $700,000. We have already received $300, 000, with the remaining $413,464 officially approved at the August 5th meeting. This will result in approximately 60% of the project funded by the BLC and %40 from NOBLE’s capital fund. Application for E rate funding for FY 2000 has been submitted.
NOBLE staff is working with the III implementation team to determine deadline for submitting individual library parameters. NOBLE staff is also consulting with two working groups; the Catalog Working Group and the Patron Policy Working Group.
The first general trainers meeting was held in July and included a review of the implementation schedules and a preview of a few significant software screens. Martha has been conducting hands on training for mouse and basic Windows skills.
At the full trainers meeting, it was evident that the newly expanded training room needed multi-media presentation improvements with an estimated cost of $6000. A transfer from FY99 surplus funds was discussed. Deborah Abraham moved that a transfer of $6000 from the FY 99 surplus to this year’s operating budget be made to upgrade the facility, Camilla Glynn Healey 2nd the motion. The motion passed unanimously.
The lease with Flatley has been signed, it had been delayed for a variety of reasons. Deutsch Williams, NOBLE’s law firm, has also been retained by Flatley to perform work for them on a contractual basis. Issues concerning the advisability of hiring new counsel were considered. The feeling was that it we should continue to utilize present counsel for all issues, except those related to Flatley, for the immediate future and Ron will pursue clarification of the situation with our attorney, Rod Hoffman.
NOBLE Salary Review
Contractual salary increases for Martha, Elizabeth, and Ron on July 1, 1999 led to a comparison of the entire NOBLE salary schedule to MVLC and NMRLS salaries, since they have recently filled similar positions. The most apparent discrepancy appears to be in some of the support positions, due to increased duties, responsibilities and workload. Pat moved that the entire salary schedule be reviewed before the September Executive Board meeting, Camilla seconded and the motion passed unanimously.
The PPWG met in July to discuss email notices, patron access to their records, PIN numbers, patron placed holds and security issues. It was recommended that e-mail notices and patron access to their records via PIN numbers be implemented very shortly after the Web catalog is available, and direct patron-placed holds wait until we are satisfied with the staff-placed holds functionality.
Yearly meeting schedule was distributed.
Millennium Project update
Ron reviewed the implementation and training schedule and Marjorie Hill-Devine reappointed PPWG. There was discussion about the exploration of a new cost allocation formula.
The potential of offering an associate membership was discussed, the MBLC feels networks should offer this option. It was decided to establish an Associate Membership Committee.
The meeting was adjourned at 4:35 on a motion by Dennis Kelley, seconded Alice Deveau.
Respectfully Submitted
Sue Koronowski