NOBLE Executive Board Meeting Minutes
September 16, 1999
Present: John Beauregard, Camilla Glynn Healey, Ron Gagnon, Dennis Kelley, Tom Cesarz, Alyce Deveau, Sue Koronowski, Pat Cloherty, Deborah Abraham, Marjorie Hill-Devine.
The meeting was called to order at 9:40.
The discussion on cost allocation per Library for FY 2000 began with Ron explaining the various approaches the Allocation Committee had considered in the preparation of their recommendation. NOBLE has for years based a portion of the fee charged individual libraries on the number of ports used. An examination of this method was necessary since physical ports have become virtual ports or "simultaneous users". After careful consideration of many alternative methods the recommendation from the Allocation Committee was to base charges on the number of simultaneous staff users and an equally-divided base charge.
Tom Cesarz explained that the committee considered the difficulty each library may have determining this number since we are not familiar with the new system and its potential uses.
Sue Koronowski moved to accept recommendation of committee to base the formula on simultaneous staff users, Camilla Glynn Healey seconded.
Discussion followed including the following issues; pro rating the purchase of additional logins, the potential loss of income from the previous one time port charge and the resulting impact on the capital fund, the need for further clarification of the definition of a simultaneous staff user.
The vote was unanimous.
Deborah Abraham moved to limit additional simultaneous staff users to three with no charge. Camilla Glynn Healey seconded.
Discussion followed on how set that number would/should be, and the number of users the system was capable of serving.
The motion was tabled.
The remainder of budget was reviewed.
Ron Gagnon explained the E-rate formula and rent line items
Tom Cesarz moved to accept pages 1 & 2 of the FY 2000 budget, Camilla Glynn seconded.
The vote was unanimous.
Camilla Glynn moved to accept page 3 of the FY 2000 budget, Alyce Deveau seconded.
The vote was unanimous.
Tom Cezarz moved to adjourn, Camilla Glynn seconded.
The meeting was adjourned at 11:45.
Respectfully Submitted,
Sue Koronowski