Adding Course Materials
Course materials fall into four categories:
Physical resources from the library's collection/catalog
Electronic resources in the library's collection/catalog
Electronic resources that are not in the library's collection/catalog
Physical resources that are not in the library's collection/catalog (e.g. personal copies)
Adding physical items from the catalog
To attach physical items that are in the catalog:
Scan or enter the item's barcode
Enter a “Relationship” term (e.g. required, recommended), if applicable.
The “relationship” field is optional and contains free text. This text displays in the catalog, but is informational in nature and does not have any other function.
You may also edit the call number, circulation modifier and shelving location, as appropriate.
When you have finished inputting the item data, click “Add Material”
Note: In order for the item’s attributes (e.g. circ modifier, shelving location) to revert correctly to the original values when the course is archived or deleted, you must edit these attributes in the course reserves module when attaching the item to course.
Adding electronic resources from the catalog
To attach electronic resources (e.g. ebooks, streaming videos) that are in the catalog:
Enter the bibliographic record ID (e.g. Database ID) for the title you wish to attach
Enter a “Relationship” term (e.g. required, recommended), if applicable
When you have finished inputting the item data, click “Add Material” to save
The title will now display on the list of course materials
Adding electronic resources that are not in the catalog
To attach electronic resources that are NOT in the catalog:
Enter a “Relationship” term (e.g. required, recommended), if applicable
Retain the default values for “Form” and “Type”
Enter the title of the item
Enter the
URI (e.g.
URL) for the item
Enter the link text you want to display in the catalog
Click “Add material” to save
Adding physical items that are not in the catalog
Faculty may have personal copies of materials that they wish to place on reserve. To attach physical items (e.g. personal copies) that are NOT in the catalog, it is recommended that brief/temp records be created using the appropriate MARC workform (e.g. xreserve_book). See Creating records using the MARC workform.
Attach your item to the new brief bib record
Return to your course in Course Reserves
Select the “Course Materials” tab
Select the “Associate Item” tab
Scan in the barcode for the item you just created
Note: if you created the item as a reserve item, with a reserve shelving location and a reserve circulation modifier, you should not have to update the item attributes in the course reserves module
Next, add users to the course.