Cancelling Items in a Line Item

If all items on the line item are eventually cancelled, the line item will update automatically to a cancelled status and turn white.

You can’t see the status of individual items when looking at the line item. You must click on the Items link to see the status of the individual items.

Whenever you plan on cancelling an order in Evergreen, check with your vendor first to make sure they are willing to cancel the order. The vendor should always be notified that you are canceling an order before you cancel it in Evergreen. This is true for an entire purchase order, a line item or a single copy on a line item.

1. Retrieve the purchase order.

2. Click the Items link on the line item.

Cancelled Items Display

3. Click the blue Cancel link to the right of each item you want to cancel. Items need to be cancelled individually.

Cancel Item Link

4. A Confirm Order Cancellation dialog box will appear. Select the appropriate cancel reason from the dropdown. :!: Some cancel reasons keep debits and some do not. See a list of Cancel Reasons and how to use them for more information.

Select a Cancel Reason

5. Click Apply.

6. The item will be marked with the cancel reason selected.

Cancelled Item Display

7. The item Cancelled count and the Estimated and Encumbered amounts will update in the line item.

Cancelled Item Display in Line Item

8. The Encumbered Amount in the upper right hand corner of the purchase order will also update.