Cancel Reasons and How to Use Them
The process of cancelling or delaying purchase orders/line items/items is the same whether you are intending to cancel or delay. The only difference is what cancel reason you choose.
When you choose a cancel reason with the prefix Cancelled it has a hidden meaning of “Keep Debits: No (False).” This means that your fund debits (i.e. your encumbrances), are removed and the money is returned to your funds. The intention is that you will never be receiving that item, and you no longer want your money to be encumbered for it. Usually the item is also cancelled with the vendor.
When you choose a cancel reason with the prefix Delayed it has a hidden meaning of “Keep Debits: Yes (True).” This means that your fund debits are kept. Therefore your money remains encumbered. The intention is that you will, at some point, receive this item and you would like the money to remain encumbered in your fund. Usually the item remains on order with the vendor.
Cancel reasons can be assigned to a purchase order/line item/item by the user or by an EDI order response that is retrieved from the vendor by Evergreen.
See the table below for a list of cancel reasons, their intended use, and whether or not debits are kept. The most commonly used cancel reasons are highlighted.
Cancel Reason | Use | Keep Debist (Y/N) |
Cancelled: by Vendor | The vendor has cancelled the order | N |
Cancelled: Deleted | A general use cancel reason | N |
Cancelled: Fulfilled | N | |
Cancelled: Invalid ISBN | N | |
*Cancelled: Not Accepted | This line item is not accepted by the seller - This usually means that the vendor could not match anything to the order identifier that was sent via EDI | N |
Cancelled: Not Found | N | |
Cancelled: Postponed | Title has been postponed | N |
Delayed: Accepted with amendment | Y | |
Delayed: Accepted without amendment | Y | |
*Delayed: Backordered | The item is not currently in stock | Y |
Delayed: Changed | Y | |
Delayed: Delivered but lost | Y | |
Delayed: No Action | Y | |
Delayed: Ordered Quantity | Y | |
Delayed: Pieces Delivered | Y | |
Delayed: Split Quantity | Y |
*Cancel reason is usually assigned by an order response via EDI