Table of Contents

Create/Edit a Provider Record

About Providers

Provider records represent a vendor or a vendor account. This record can contain information pertaining to contacting the vendor, EDI account default, and holdings subfield settings for MARC order record loads.

For an EDI vendor you will need to create a provider record for each account you want represented in acquisitions.

For non-EDI vendors it is possible to have a single provider record even if you have multiple accounts with the vendor as long as you don’t want to track purchases through individual accounts. If you want to track purchases through individual accounts, then a provider record should be created for each account.

You might have a number of non-EDI vendors that you order from occasionally. If you don’t care about tracking some non-EDI vendors at all, you could create a single provider record for all of these vendors and call it something like “Direct” or “Miscellaneous.”

Create a Provider Record

  1. Navigate to the Providers interface using one of the following options.
    • Acquisitions ⇒ Provider Search
    • Administration ⇒ Acquisitions Administration ⇒ Providers
  2. Click on the New Provider button in the upper right hand corner of the screen. The provider form will appear.
  3. Fill in the fields in the form. (A description of the fields is listed below.)
  4. Click Save. The full Provider record will appear.

 Provider Record Editor

Add Provider Details

The provider record is composed of a number of tabs. In these tabs you can do the following:

 Provider Tabs

Provider tab

Main vendor information

Addresses tab

To add a new address:

  1. Click on the Addresses tab.
  2. Click the New Provider Address button.
  3. This will open the address editor. Required fields are highlighted in red. :!: Skip the Address Type.
  4. Click Save.

To edit or delete an address:

  1. Right-click on the address, or select the address and click on the actions icon.
  2. Choose either Edit Selected or Delete Selected.

Contacts tab

Add one or more contacts for the vendor.

To add a new contact:

  1. Click on the Contacts tab.
  2. Click the New Provider Contact button.
  3. The Provider Contact editor will appear. The required fields are highlighted in red.
  4. Click Save.

To edit or delete a contact:

  1. Right-click on the contact, or select the contact and click on the actions icon.
  2. Choose either Edit Selected or Delete Selected.

To set or unset a primary contact:

  1. Right-click on the contact, or select the contact and click on the actions icon.
  2. Choose either Set as Primary Contact or Unset as Primary Contact.

Attribute Definitions tab

<color #ff0000>SKIP</color> – These attributes are configured by NOBLE.

Holdings Definitions tab

If you are not uploading records from a vendor for the provider account you can skip this tab.

If you are uploading records to create POs you must fill in the Holdings Definitions.

Holding definitions, also commonly called holdings subfields, are used with a 962 Holdings Tag to allow you to import price, quantity and grid information from your downloaded vendor carts. Each time you create a new provider, you must set up the holdings subfields otherwise your information will not be imported when you upload your carts.

Adding Holding Definitions

  1. Click on the Holdings Definitions tab.
  2. Enter 962 in the Holdings Tag field and click the blue Save button next to it.
  3. Click the white New Holdings Subfield button. This will open the screen to create a holdings subfield.
  4. This is where you’re going to specify which subfields Evergreen uses to look for the price / quantity / branch / etc. when you upload your carts. You must follow the letters below, or your carts will not import the info correctly. Call Number and Barcode are automatically filled in by Evergreen, so you do not need to specify them here.
    1. Click on the New Holdings Subfield button.
    2. Select Owning Library from the Name dropdown and enter b in the Subfield box.
    3. Click Save.
    4. Repeat steps 1 – 3 for the remaining subfields needed for the particular vendor.
Name Subfield
Owning Library (required) b
Estimated Price r
Fund Code u
Quantity o
Circ Modifier g
Shelving Location t
Note p
Do not set any subfield you are note always going to load, like note. Blank subfields in the 962 field will cause the record upload to fail.

EDI tab

This needs to be configured if you are ordering from the vendor using EDI.

  1. Click on New EDI Account.
  2. Fill out the form in accordance with your vendor’s instructions. See more information.
  3. Click on the ? for hints for the field.
  4. Select the appropriate EDI Attribute Set. :!: Only for newly created accounts.
  5. Check Use EDI Attributes. :!: Only for newly created accounts.
  6. Click Save.
  7. Click back on the Provider tab and set the EDI Default to the EDI account you just created.
  8. Click Save.

Invoices tab

Invoices associated with the account display here in a sortable and filterable grid. The Vendor Invoice ID is hyperlinked to the invoice.

From the Invoices tab you can:

POs tab

Purchase orders associated with the account display here in a sortable and filterable grid. The PO Name is hyperlinked to the PO.

From the POs tab you can: