This checklist will help you navigate through your fiscal close. To keep your funds accurate it is important to clean up any fund data you don’t want brought forward into the new fiscal year’s funds.
If you use Direct Charges, you will need to run a Direct Charges report and a Line Item report in order to see all expenditures and encumbrances for your funds. It is not currently possible to include both line item and direct charge data in a single report. Some helpful reports are listed below. (The report version number is not cited here. That is the last two digits of the report identifier.) There are many other reports available in the Reports module.
You will want to look at your fund summary and compare the total expenditures and encumbrances with your town’s/school’s expenditure reports if you reconcile the two. You may already be receiving a fund summary report on a regular basis.
You can also configure a fund summary report in the Funds tab in Fund Administration.
The date may be an estimate at first but should be finalized as you get closer to completing your preparations. Be sure to inform your staff of the final date and let them know that no acquisitions functions should be performed on that day until they receive word that fiscal close is complete.
When you are satisfied that everything is in order, Perform Your Fiscal Close Needs link