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Autorenewal uses an automated process to identify and renew items that are eligible for renewal on or just before their due date, and to notify patrons about items that were renewed and ones that were due but not eligible for renewal.

Autorenewal is used to streamline services for patrons, automatically applying the loan rules to renew eligible items rather than requiring them to log in to the library system and do this manually. This is also an equity issue for patrons who are not able to access their account remotely to renew items, especially for libraries that don't do phone renewals.

Basic Rules of Circulation and Renewal in NOBLE

How Loan Rules Work

Every library has a set of rules that govern how their own items circulate when checked out at their library. These cover things like loan periods, fine rates, number of renewals allowed, etc., for different parts of their collection and (sometimes) for different types of patrons.

We use a separate set of loan rules for network transfers – your items checked out at another library and other libraries' items checked out of your library. The network transfer loan rules may differ from your local loan rules, but it's the same rules for all network transfers. How Renewal Works: Renewal is always conditional – items are due on their due date but patrons may renew items that have no holds and that have not already been renewed the maximum number of times. Only items belonging to WAK, checkeed out in Wak

How AutoRenewal Works in NOBLE

Libraries choose whether or not to opt in to add autorenewal to their library's loan rules.

If Your Library Opts In

If your library opts in, the autorenewal process will run against your items checked out at your library and renew items that are eligible – no holds and have remaining renewals. It will send an email notice (assuming the patron has an email address in their record) telling patrons what actions it has taken – which items were renewed and which were not. No printed notices are issued for autorenewal.

There will be no change for network transfers – your items sent to other libraries and other library's items sent to yours.

If Your Library Does Not Opt In

  • Nothing changes at your library or for your items.
  • Notices and Statistics
  • The courtesy notices for libraries with autorenewal will note that autorenewal will be attempted. An autorenewal notice is sent very early in the morning of the due date informing the patron which items have been renewed and which have not for libraries with autorenewal.

We can currently provide separate statistics for Checkouts, Staff Renewals and Web Renewals, and we will also provide numbers for Autorenwals

autorenewal.txt · Last modified: 2024/07/15 12:17 by wikiadmin

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