Table of Contents
Prediction Pattern Templates
Creating Prediction Pattern Templates
Prediction pattern templates are shared among all libraries. They are intended to make it easier to create a prediction pattern for a serial subscription. If there is not a prediction pattern template that fits with a serial title, you may create a new one.
Select Administration » Serials Administration Select Prediction Pattern Templates In the template screen, enter the name and the owning library for the template Select the pattern wizard
Enumeration Labels
If you are using enumerations (e.g. volume, number), enter the values on the first screen Indicate whether the enumeration restarts with each new volume or is continuous It the serial titles has multiple enumeration patterns, check the option to “Add alternative enumeration” Enter the alternative value
If the first levl of enumeration (e.g. the volume numbering) changes within the subscription year, check this option. Select the value indicating when the enumeration changes. Click “Next” to continue
Chronology Display The option to “Use Chronology Captions” is selected by default; normally you should leave this as is Enter the first chronology level (e.g. year) Select “Add Level” to add the next next level of chronology (e.g. month, season) Note: chronology values are entered larger to smaller
When you are done addng chronology captions, select “Next”
For the MFHD Indicators, select the following values
Click “Next”
Select the frequency and regularity of the title's publication Whenever possible, use the default “Pre=selected,” then choose the frequency from the dropdown menu. For example, for a seasonal publication, choose “Quarterly” Click to Save
Editing Prediction Pattern Templates
Prediction patterns can be edited from the Serials Administration menu.
To edit a prediction pattern:
- Select Administration » Serials Administration » Prediction Pattern Templates
- Select the prediction pattern to edit
- Select “Edit Record” from the “Actions” menu
You may change the name of the prediction pattern, the Owning Library and/or the Share Depth (who the prediction pattern is shared with). To edit the prediction pattern itself:
- click on the “Pattern Wizard”
- Navigate through the Pattern Wizard, changing any necessary elements of the pattern
- When you have finished making edits and reached the last Pattern Wizard screen, click “Save”