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Updating a Funds Report for the New Fiscal Year

If you have a Funds report for the current fiscal year, you will need to create a new report for the new fiscal year.

To create a new report, follow these steps:

  1. Open the Evergreen reporter by clicking on the Reports link in the Administration column of the portal page.
  2. Select the Report folder that contains the appropriate Funds report. :?: The folder name below is an example; the folder name differs from library to library.Select Reports Folder
  3. Check the box for the report you would like to edit. :?: the report name below is an example; the report name differs from library to library.
  4. Click Edit.Select Report Template
  5. Edit the Report Name to reflect the new fiscal year.Edit the Name of the Report
  6. In the Fund → Year box select the fiscal year value and click Del.Delete Fiscal Year
  7. Enter the new fiscal year in the input box and click Add.Add new fiscal year
  8. Leave the Output Options as they are.Report Output Options
  9. Be sure that the Recurring Report option is checked
  10. Choose the start date and time for the report. :!: The run time should be during off hours.
  11. Change the recurrence interval/report schedule if needed.
  12. Edit the email address as needed to ensure that all relevant staff receive copies of the report. :!: Separate email addresses with commas.Report Interval and Email
  13. Choose a folder for the report
  14. Click Save as New

Save as New

Go back and delete the previous report as follows:

  1. Go to the appropriate Reports folder
  2. Select the obsolete report
  3. Choose the option to Delete selected report(s) from the dropdown
  4. Click Submit

Delete Old Report

updating_the_fiscal_year_field_in_scheduled_acquisitions_reports.txt · Last modified: 2024/08/21 08:32 by cmorgan

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