Table of Contents
Line Item Overview
A line item in a purchase order represents the title you are ordering. The line item tracks the number of items ordered for that title as well as the status and cost.
- One line item corresponds to one bibliographic record and contains attributes from that record.
- Line items contain item data and cost data, and can also contain notes and alerts.
- A single line item can have multiple items.
- Line items are color coded to help indicate their status.
- Each line item has a unique ID. When contacting support about a line item it is helpful to include the line item ID.
Line Item Colors
Anatomy of a Line Item
There are 5 “rows” in a line items.
First Row
Cover Image
Checkbox for selecting the line item for applying batch updates and purchase order action.
Click on the title link to view the Bibliographic Record Attributes for the order.
In the Bibliographic Record Attributes display you will see MARC View and MARC Edit tabs where you can view or edit the MARC record associated with the line item.
The Return button takes you back to the purchase order.
Second Row
From left to right:
- Author
- Publication Date
- Publisher
- The name of the Provider record or “native-evergreen-catalog” if the record was pulled into the purchase order from the catalog.
Third Row
Line Item Status
Order Identifier
Changing the Order Identifier is usually only necessary with purchase orders that are created manually within Evergreen. If you have permission, you can also add a new order identifier by typing it into the input box. If you created a purchase order using a vendor file upload, the order identifier should already be set but there are some instances where you may want to select a different identifier or a different identifier value. For example: select the ISBN 13 instead of the ISBN 10.
The red number next to the order identifier dropdown indicates the number of order identifiers available.
If the purchase order has not been activated you can select the type of order identifier you need from the dropdown.
If the purchase order has not been activated you can select the order identifier value from the dropdown.
If there are no identifiers (ISBN, ISSN, UPC) in the bibliographic record, the identifier dropdown will be highlighted in yellow.
Estimated Price
Line Item Actions Menu
Mark Received – Mark the line item as received (active if the line item has not been received).
Mark Un-Received – Un-receive the line item (active if the line item has been received).
Update Barcodes – Opens the Holdings Editor in a new tab.
Open Holdings View – Open the Holdings View in a new tab.
Claims (# existing) – Reports the number of items claimed. Selecting the option opens a Manage Claims dialog box. Claiming is a manual process that NOBLE is not currently using.
View History – Displays the history of the line item in a printable, sortable, grid.
Fourth Row
From left to right
- # of items (copies) you are ordering for that title
- # of items that have been received
- # of items that have been invoiced
- # of items that have been cancelled
- # of items that are delayed (backordered)
- The estimate cost for the line item as a whole
- The encumbered amount for the line item as a whole
- The amount that has been paid (invoiced) for the line item as a whole. This displays in red with the cost of the line item if the line item has been invoiced.
Fifth Row
From left to right
- Line Item ID – The unique system identifier for the line item. When contacting support about a line item please include the ID of the line item in question.
- The number of holdings for your library already attached to the bibliographic record the line item is attached to. The number displays in red if holdings exist. This number is a snapshot taken when a file is uploaded and does not update when holdings are added or deleted from the bibliographic record.
- Items (#) – The number of copies being ordered in this line item. Clicking on the link takes you to the Item Details View where you can add/edit items for the line item. See Line Item Items for more details.
- Notes and Alerts (#) – Displays the number of Notes and/or Alerts in the line items. Clicking on the link opens / closes a dialog box where you can add, view, or delete notes and alerts. See Line Item Notes and Alerts for more details.
- Catalog – Clicking on this link opens a new tab showing the bibliographic record display in the staff catalog.
- Link to Catalog may also display here if the line item was added using the Add Brief Record form. This allows you to search the catalog for a matching record and link the line item to it if a record is found.
- Worksheet – Links to a printable line item worksheet.
- Requests – (not implemented)
- Invoice(s) – Links to the Invoice Search tab with a list of the invoices associated with that specific line item.
- Provider Name - Clicking on the link opens a new tab displaying the Provider record.
- Import Queue – Clicking on this link opens a new tab displaying the upload queue for the records uploaded to create the PO. If the purchase order was created manually the queue link will not display.